Thursday, July 8, 2010

Self Thinkers

Selfishness looks the same on all people.
It is not attractive.
When we strive to prosper at the cost of others, or we consider only the effects of success in our best interest.
How then can we call ourselves selfless ones?
While I was talking with a friend who I admire and respect it looked as though she was warm and loving to all those around her. But for the first time I watched her speak of others and it was all too familiar with the same way I found myself speaking of others. We feel in our hearts we care and love all equally and yet our tone and speech does not imply the same.
I felt shame and conviction.
God want you forgive me and help me with this selfish nature I carry. My heart does not mean to be only thinking of my self, however I catch myself putting others after me and only listening to myself.
Self ishly I long to be Self less.