Monday, December 26, 2011

Ask and Be Ready

I ask in a prayer if I could love like the love Jesus spoke of when he walked this earth. Then it started I was given more opportunities to show love. I was ask to take a meal to a shut in. A lady who had no means of getting out on oxygen and hospis.
It's important for you to know that this lady is my sister and she had taken her life down a path that was destructive and at her on hands she would deny family time. Now she needs a meal, a smile, and I would be the one to carry it out. It went much better than I had thought it might go.
This is when I realized just what it meant when Jesus said to his followers to help the poor. My heart began to think of how many ways I could help her. Because she is my sister? No, because she was in need.
I found myself thinking of excuses for others who made mistakes and bad choices. I began seeing how to love those unlovable people.
Love is a funny thing and if you ask, be ready.

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