Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Many times I have wondered just why is it we have a rabbit delivering eggs and chocolate bunnies on the morning our saviour conquered death. Now my eight year old granddaughter is asking me that very question.
So the research began, and shocked yet not so surprised. It was those pagans again. You know the ones, they are responsible for slipping into the festivities of our celebrations at Christmas and Easter.
Way back in time written in the books of Judges and Kings and Samuel, they all record where the pagans worshiped many gods. Easter,(Ishtar)she was known as the mother of Baal. You have heard of her right? She was the goddess of nature and fertility. Now are you starting to see it? So here it is spring time when new birth of flowers, and baby chicks, and the rapid reproduction of the rabbits. This is actually a tribute as I understand it to the fertility of new beginnings.
The rabbit and the eggs as I see it takes away from honoring the resurrection of Jesus.
I am going to continue to reasearch and study from scripture to get full understanding but if you'd like to read and study for yourselves, Here are some of the places I went. 1 King 14 - 24 and Jer. 19:5 Judges 2 and 10.
I also googled Baal and Ashtoreth.
I am still studing and think you should too. It's interesting and it is well with my soul. I feel that God is pleased with me when I study his words and learn his heart and desires.
Stay posted as I learn more of this great and wonderful event. Celebrate the wonder of Gods grace and perfection to love us enough.

1 comment:

aponhodgepodge said...

Very good information and study. I found some of the same stuff this year. I am changing my language over to referring to this day as "Resurrection Sunday" rather than "Happy Easter". Every time we mention the word "Easter" we are giving honor to a false god! I have a link on my blog that gives more to think about on this subject.

Keep writing Barbara!